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Tree pose half lotus

Eflir jafnvægi og einbeitingu. Opnar mjaðma- og hnéliðamót. Styrkir fótleggi, hné og ökkla. Styrkir miðjuvöðvaflokka

Child's Pose:

BALASANA Child Pose stretches the hips, thighs and ankles gently. It also helps relieve stress and fatigue, and calms the brain.

Cat Pose

Improves the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and spine through gentle flexion and extension of the spine. A useful preparation asana to warm up the spine physically for stronger forward and back bends.

Cow Pose:

MARJARI-ASANA Improves the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and spine through gentle flexion and extension of the spine. A useful preparation asana to warm up the spine physically for stronger forward and back bends.

Downwardfacing dog:
Half Moon Pose:

ARDHA CHANDRASANA Side stretch, spine flexibility, specifically lateral flexion of spine also spinal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles and intercostals.

Back Bend:

Spinal flexibility, specifically increasing extension of vertabrea, also lengthens the front of the torso including hip flexors. With arms overhead, increases shoulder flexibility

Hands to feet:

Stretch the entire back body, especially hamstrings, gluteals and low back. Inversion (head below heart) stimulates blood flow to brain and heart. Strengthens legs and compresses abdomen.

Awkward Pose (3 parts):

UTKATASANA Strengthens legs, feet and ankles. Opens gluteal muscles (back of hips), also strengthens balance and arm strength.

Awkward Pose (3 parts):

UTKATASANA Strengthens legs, feet and ankles. Opens gluteal muscles (back of hips), also strengthens balance and arm strength.

Twisting Awkward:

PARVRITTA UTKATASANA Strengthens hip flexors, thighs, ankles and feet. Stretches and strengthens gluteal muscles. Increases core strength. Increases shoulder flexibility and core strength.

Eagle Pose:

GARUDASANA Opens up the major joints of the body (shoulder, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles). Leg strengthening (via balancing), compression of groin.

Standing Head to Knee:

DANDAYAMANA JANUSIRASANA Build strength in standing leg and foot and improve balance. Increase flexibility in hip, hamstrings and low back. Build balance, core strength and stamina.

Standing Bow:

Standing Bow: DANDAYAMANA DHANURASANA Increases mobility of spine (back bending), builds strength in standing leg and foot and improves balance. Also, stretches front hip (hip flexor) in standing leg and foot and improves balance. Also, stretches front hip (hip flexor) on kicking side, stretches back of hip (gluteal muscles) on standing side and shoulder opening (especially on kicking side).

Balancing Stick:

TULADANDASANA Build leg strength, stamina (increases heart strength), balance. Also builds core abdominal strength and stretches shoulders.

Separate Leg Stretch a

PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA Stretches the entire back body. Strengthens legs, stetches inner thigh ligaments, the mid-back/intercostals muscles. Inversion (head below heart) stimulates blood flow to the brain and heart.

Separate Leg Stretch b

PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA Stretches the entire back body. Strengthens legs, stetches inner thigh ligaments, the mid-back/intercostals muscles. Inversion (head below heart) stimulates blood flow to the brain and heart.

Separate Leg Stretch c

PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA Stretches the entire back body. Strengthens legs, stetches inner thigh ligaments, the mid-back/intercostals muscles. Inversion (head below heart) stimulates blood flow to the brain and heart.


TRIKONASANA Strengthens legs and opens hips (front leg: gluteal muscles; back leg: inner thigh). This pose is also a side stretch, spine twist and it builds your stamina.

Side Angle:

Side Angle: PARSVAKONASANA Increases flexibility in left hip and strength in right leg (when your left leg is bent). Stretches oblique abdominals on the side of the body that turns up (right side on this photo). Stretches and strengthens shoulders and arms.

Extended Triangle:

UTTHITA TRIKONASANA Strengthens and stretches thighs, knees and ankles. Stretches hips, oblique dominals. Improves balance, stretches and strengthens shoulders.

Twisting Triangle:

PARVRITTA TRIKONASANA Stretches the back of the legs and hips. Increases mobility in the spine. Improves stability and balance. Stimulates digestion.

Separate Leg Head to Knee:

BIPAKTAPADA JANUSIRASANA Stretches hips (gluteals) and hamstrings. Opens shoulders.


VRKSASANA Improves balance, focus and concentration. Opens up right hip. Strengthens feet and ankles. With arms extended, increases circulation and improves flexibility in shoulders.

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